Designer & FullStack Developer
I design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do.
About Me
I design and code beautiful websites, and I love it. I create sites that look great and are easy to use. I enjoy crafting and solving problems with my work. I always try to learn new things and improve my skills.
About Me
Recent Work
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Transform Your Desktop with DreamWall: The ultimate destination for downloading and sharing stunning wallpapers.
{Services like contact, upload, delete wallpaper, and dashboard login/register are currently unavailable due to deployment bugs. The full-stack version of DreamWall will be released soon. In the meantime, feel free to explore the frontend part}
Working on more Projects
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DreamWall {Full-Stack}
A wallpaper website where users can share their favorite wallpapers and download them.
- Designed UI/UX using Figma
- Implemented responsive design
- Developed features for user registration/login, uploading, and downloading wallpapers
To-do List {Frontend}
A customizable to-do list application tailored to your preferences.
- Developed a modern UI/UX
- Implemented responsive design
- Added customizable color options
Working on More Project {React}
If you'd like to know more about the project, please send me a direct message or contact me
- More Details will be available soon!